
Business Strategy

Something occurs to me about Business Structure.

You start with a Pool of General Labour performing Low-Level Processes.

With Experience, the Management uses Critical Analysis to measure that Experience, and General

Laborers are Refined as their Specializations are found.

Every Higher Rank represents a higher Layer of Abstraction above General Labour.

Management assesses the Worker's Learning Style and Type, along with Patterns of Behaviour. 

Certain types of People fit best in certain roles, otherwise they are set up for failure in places they don't belong.

It's not the job of the Worker to adapt.

If the Worker does need to adapt, then the Manager gets chewed out.

The Worker is surrounded by Appropriate Support, and their Strengths are honed in Good Company.

The Foundations of this have to be Basic, and General.

A Basic Generalized Labour Job should be extremely secure, as the Base Layer.

You don't get fired from the Company, but demoted temporarily until you can get your Inner Drive back on track.

Many times, our Aces need Healing Time, and the demotion is a blessing, allowing for some

boring mediocrity to clear out the cobwebs and rebuild.

They'll get the fire reignited, and be back up in the high ranks in no time.

The first matter at hand is to get the Company started properly.

I need an Office, and Workers to handle the Low-Level Processes.

The Point of this Office is to generate Capital for Business Growth, and that deals with Investments.

As the Investments grow, so does the Workforce and the Office Space, and the functions

of the Company can become more Advanced and Diversified.

I shouldn't Specialize as a first step. Specialization is a High Layer of Abstraction, and I need a Basic Bare-Metal Foundation first.


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