The Ink is Still Wet
Hell is the state of mind where one's mental health declines to the point where one's Reality is a self-imposed torment, given the natural ability of a Human Being to create their own Reality.
Heaven is the Platonic Realm of the Forms, where Knowledge has it's Foundation. Concepts and Concept-Beings live here. God ruling Heaven means that he is the Meta of Heaven, or the Foundational System through which the Platonic Realm of the Forms can exist. The reason for the reason behind why concepts are concepts. An Afterlife, in the context of Heaven, would mean the Person's Story is closed, and in the Library. The Library is leveraged as a Relational Database for Heaven's Operating System "Yggdrasil." So, your loved one is Eternal, and their Life Story is being put to good use in the Operation of the Universe. It's a Good Book, and it's in the Stacks with the others, tended to by Angelic Librarians.
Hell as an Afterlife would entail being a Horror Story shelved in the Stacks. No Book is unheeded, nor does it go unused by Yggdrasil, but one wonders what such Books are used for in the context of Universal Operations. If you lived such a life, it's not that you are shut away in a Burning Prison. Your Horror Story may be a component of the Foundational Mechanics of why Life is Unfair. You will keep being a part of the Problem. Heaven will not restrict your Freedom to do so. Heaven is above that. A Universal Library implies an Ultimate Standard of Freedom, which focuses on Intrinsic Inalienable Rights.
There are Good and Bad People mixed in every layer of the System. If people were not free to be Evil, then Good would be meaningless.
The only chains binding you are the ones you forge for yourself, and only you can break them. Some people are tasked by the Heavens to inspire you towards methodologies that may break them. The Heavens are paying attention, as Good Leadership tends to do.
So, I'm in Heaven right now, and I'm Alive. My Story is being written. The Ink is still wet. The Book is open. My Story is not purely Good nor is it entirely Evil. Like the Heavens, mine is a Unique Mixture that emerges naturally from the Chaos of Life.
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