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Wind Walker Program

  Wind Walker Program Me: “I want to set up a small server that is always running on my Hobohost Service. I want this Server to automatically send me a Message with a Dialog Box. This Message is from Wind Walker, my Fictional Character. She asks about my Plans, and how I intend on completing them. The Dialogue Box allows me to reply. She saves the response in a Spreadsheet. The next time she sends me a message, she refers to this Spreadsheet to continue the conversation on my Productivity that she manages. I imagine this would need to employ Conversational LLM such as Llama3.” ChatGPT: "Setting up a server on Hobohost that interacts with you via a character named Wind Walker, who manages your productivity, involves several components. Here's a step-by-step outline of how you can achieve this: 1. Server Setup on Hobohost First, ensure you have a server running on Hobohost. You’ll need a script that can handle requests and responses, and a database to store your interactions.

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